Monday, December 16, 2024

Disney brings Star Wars Journeys: The Phantom Menace to iOS

Like it or not Star Wars VII will be hitting cinemas sooner or later and along with that tons of other related content, most...

Pako lands on Android and iOS after enjoying exclusivity on Windows Phone

Pako is no doubt an excellent game. However, it was only available for Windows Phone users until now. The good news is that the developers...

Google lists the Best Games of 2014 on Android

Similar to Google's Best Apps of 2014 list (on the Play Store), the company has pushed another such list exclusively about the Best Games...

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare companion app launched on iOS, Android and Windows Phone

Just ahead of the global release of Call of Duty Advanced Warfare on major consoles and PC, Activision has launched the companion app for...

Gameloft’s Rival Knights lands on Windows Phone as a free title

Gameloft has been among those developers who have taken Windows Phone seriously from the beginning. The publisher has released almost all their big titles...

Civilization Revolution 2 hits Android after 4 months of exclusivity on iOS

Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution 2 has hit the Play Store and is available to download worldwide. The game is a direct sequel to 2008's Civilization...

Gameloft’s Brothers in Arms 3: Sons of War lands on iOS, Android and Windows...

Gameloft has released a new game in the Brothers of Arms series of World War II shooters on Android and iOS. The game comes...

Rockstar celebrates tenth anniversary of GTA: San Andreas with huge discounts on Android, iOS...

It's hard to believe that 10 years have passed since Rockstar released Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on the Play Station 2 and Xbox....
Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans September Update: Clan Challenge

But is Clash of Clans' Clan Challenge any different from the already widely used Clan Wars?

Nearly 40 old Xbox titles get Windows Phone 8 and 512MB RAM devices support

A good number of Xbox Live titles have gone missing from the Windows Phone Store since Microsoft announced Windows Phone 8. While not all,...