Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Version 5 of the Lumia Camera app caught in action

We do not argue that Microsoft (formerly Nokia) has one of the best camera modules on its smartphones in the industry. However, there's a lot...

Motorola Camera and Gallery apps pushed to newer versions

After being among the first companies to roll out Android 5.0 Lollipop for its handsets, Motorola is pushing out updates for its Camera and...

Nokia Camera returns as Lumia Camera on the Windows Phone Store

Recently, some users reported the inability to download Nokia Camera app from the Windows Phone Store, even from the direct store link. Well, that...

Flickr launches its iPad app just in time for the new iPads

Flickr has launched its app on the App Store designed to be used on the iPad. Although not the quickest to make the tablet optimized version...

Microsoft’s Xim app is a new way to share photos on Windows Phone, Android...

Microsoft has released a new app by the name of Xim that allows users to share photos with a group of friends.You must be...
MoviePro gets updated on iOS, brings new recording modes on iPhone 6/ 6 Plus

MoviePro gets updated on iOS adding new recording modes on iPhone 6/ 6 Plus

MoviePro is one of the better alternatives to the default camera app on iOS. The app has received a recent update that makes it...

ProCamera 8 and Camera+ get manual camera controls on iOS 8

Thanks to iOS 8's ability to allow users tinker with manual controls in the camera mode, developers have started taking advantage of the new...

Google’s Photo Sphere lands on iOS

While Google might not show much of love to Windows Phone, it definitely doesn't feel the same way about iOS. The company has published its Photo...

Pinterest adds direct messaging, just not the way everybody else does it

Pinterest has added a new interesting feature to its app. Until now, users could only send "Pins" to their friends with no way to...
google camera app

Google Camera app gets updated with Remote Shutter for Android Wear

The Google Camera app has just been updated on the Play Store and the update will be most appreciated by the early adopters of...