Monday, March 3, 2025

Disney brings Star Wars Journeys: The Phantom Menace to iOS

Like it or not Star Wars VII will be hitting cinemas sooner or later and along with that tons of other related content, most...

Mahajong Travel, Fantasia Painter and more are Red Stripe Deals of this week on...

Microsoft's weekly discount on certain apps called Red Stripe Deals is a nice way for Windows Phone users to grab quality apps on discounted...

Snapchat’s iOS app to get text messaging and video calling in the upcoming update

Snapchat has been an interesting story so far. The developers have been brave enough to decline a $4 billion offer from Google and another...

Foursquare splitting into Foursquare and Swarm this summer

While Foursquare tells your friends where you are, it won't in the near future. Forusquare will be splitting its app into the original and a new app called...

Google Search, Play Music and Play Games apps on Android receive fresh updates

Google has updated three of its core Android apps - Google Search, Play Music and Play Games. Of the three, the update for Google Search...

Photoshop Express on iOS gets updated to “a brand new editing experience”

Adobe's Photoshop version for iOS called the Photoshop Express has just been updated to version 3.3. It's not just any other update and in...

Reading List app hits Windows Phone 8.1

While Microsoft's Windows Phone 8.1 hasn't even come to devices officially, we're seeing apps designed for it coming to the Windows Phone Store already....
movie moments windows phone video editing app

Microsoft releases video editing app Movie Moments on Windows Phone

With Windows Phone 8.1's new set of APIs video editing has finally become possible on the platform. We saw being Movie Maker 8.1 released...
docs ios app

Google announces Docs, Sheets and Slides apps for iOS and Android

Google has announced three new standalone apps - Docs, Sheets and Slides for iOS and Android. As the name suggests, the apps can be...

Yahoo Mail for iOS gets a new simplistic design, News and Today sections

While Gmail might be the talk of the town now, a good number of us still use the Yahoo Mail. And Yahoo remembers its...