iClever 6-Port USB Travel Wall Charger review: Fast charging for all your USB devices
Having multiple devices in you backpack is nothing short of pain when it comes to charging them. All of us face port unavailability issues...
Windows Phone apps may get expensive in Europe starting next year
While the Holiday season is often associated with deals and discounts, it seems like its end could bring a little discomfort to Windows Phone...
Microsoft pulling the plug on Nokia Trailers on December 31st
While Microsoft's acquisition of Nokia hasn't really had an impact on the number of devices coming out with Windows Phone, the software side hasn't...
Google Maps brings lane guidance to Europe
It gets very frustrating when you need to take a cut on the highway and you find yourself on the opposite end of the road....
Google Drive updated on iOS with Touch ID support
Google Drive has picked a new update on iOS taking it to version 3.3.0. The biggest change that the new version brings is support for...
iPhone app developer pays parents’ mortgage
What can be a better Christmas gift than your child paying off your debts. This is exactly what happened when iOS app Videoshop developer, Joe...
Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath lands on iOS
Another console game has been ported to iOS, this time an Xbox exclusive. We're talking about Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath, an action-adventure video game developed by Oddworld Inhabitants....
Foursquare pushed to version 4.0 on Windows Phone
Foursqaure has finally pushed a meaningful update to its Windows Phone app, taking it to version 4.0. The app gets a major redesign with...
Mega app available on Windows Phone for beta testers
Popular cloud storage and file hosting service Mega (founded by Kim Dotcom, also the founder of Megaupload) has got an official app on Windows...
Garfield Kart Fast & Furry released on Android and iOS
Kart games are such a crowd favorite that these are often used by different franchises to make quick cash. Now, you'll be able to...