
Skype has been updated on Android with a couple of neat additions to the app. Firstly, the app now supports picture-in-picture view even on phones (the feature has been available on tablets for a while now). This allows users to leave the app and do some other work on the device, while still being connected on the call.

The app will also open up faster now, especially when opened from a notification. Users will also be able to receive photos sent by Skype users using iPhone. The update also brings support for  formatted text such as bold, italic and strikethrough. Lastly, the app brings native support for Hindi language.

Grab Skype on Android from the Play Store link below.

Skype – Play Store


• Chats load faster, especially when opened from a notification.
• Picture in picture view lets you keep a video call going – for phones now too!
• Receive photos from Skype for iPhone and other new clients.
• Supports formatted text: *bold* _italic_ ~strikethrough~
• Native Support for Hindi – SAHI!