pocket app

Popular reading app Pocket has picked an update on both Android and iOS. The new update adds support for new languages, including Chinese, Dutch, Korean, Polish and Portuguese. On Android, the update also adds a new fullscreen mode that supports the immersive mode on devices running KitKat, hiding the controls and navigation bar. The update also adds refined layout and typography, which ensures that headers, images and paragraphs all flow together.

On iOS, the update brings bug fixes and improved detection for copied links from apps. Check out the changelog below, with the links to both stores at the end of the post.


  • Pocket is now translated into more languages: Chinese, Dutch, Korean, Polish, and Portuguese
  • Improved detection for copied links from apps like Medium.
  • This update also includes a number of bug fixes and improvements.


  • Pocket is now translated into more languages: Chinese, Dutch, Korean, Polish, and Portuguese
  • Improved detection for copied links from apps like Medium.
  • This update also includes a number of bug fixes and improvements.

iOS | Android