There’s an app that makes sure your young ones answer your calls always

Being a parent isn’t usually as easy as it seems, especially when your young ones consider themselves old enough to ignore your calls (after calls). Fortunately, there’s an app that should leave them with no option but to talk to you and let you know about their whereabouts.

The app has been aptly named “Ignore No More”. The app blocks access to a smartphone if the user of that phones fails to respond to repeated texts and calls from his guardians. The only way then to unlock the phone is by calling someone on a preset list of contacts. So there’s no WhatsApp or Facebook until the young ones calls their parents and let them know what they’re up to.

Ignore No More costs $2 on each phone that it’s installed on. One account can control multiple “child” devices from multiple “parent” devices. It’s extremely difficult to be uninstalled (unless your child is a tech prodigy) and is fairly simple to be setup.

Ignore No More is only available on Android for now and can be picked from the Play Store here.


Sharang Sharma: