Facebook drops Poke and Camera apps from the App Store

While Facebook is ever growing and expanding, not all its endeavors are that successful. You cannot be blamed if you haven’t heard about some its less ambitious projects like the Facebook Poke app and the Camera app that were released on iOS. The apps never really found many takers and Facebook has finally decided to pull the curtains on both these apps.

Facebook Camera was released before the Blue giant acquired Instagram and allowed you to share and view photos faster than the main app. It also came with its own Instagram like 15 filters. Facebook Poke on the other hand allowed you to quickly poke your friends along with sending messages, pictures or videos to your Facebook friends, that expired after 1, 3, 5 or 10 seconds, similar to what Snapchat offers.

Why these apps were pulled down isn’t known at the moment, but with the main app allowing you to do the same stuff as these standalone apps, they really never were needed to begin with. What’s more, we doubt developers at Facebook have ever taken Poke as a serious feature. Even with these apps gone, people will still be able to send and see pictures, or poke others using the main app that can be downloaded from over here.


Chetna Chauhan: