VLC finally hits Windows 8 for x64 and x86 machines

After taking what seemed like forever in development, VLC has finally hit the Windows Store. The app which raised a success Kickstarter campaign all the way back in November 2012, is now available for x86 and x64 machines. Although you could already run VLC on Windows 8 machines, the new app has been made available in the Windows Store and has been designed with Modern UI in mind.

The catch however is that the app is still in beta and as such brings things like crashes, lack of hardware acceleration, subtitle and audio issues, lack of playlists and stream support to the table. Still, that’s better than nothing and we expect the updates to be more frequent in the future.

VLC also promised a Windows RT and Windows Phone version of the app, which should be released in the future. The company although, hasn’t given a time frame. You can grab VLC from the Windows Store here.

Sharang Sharma: