Torrex Pro allows you to download torrents to public folders on Windows Phone


Windows Phone has taken the road somewhere in between iOS and Android. While it’s not as open as Android, it’s not exactly a walled garden like Apple’s iOS. However, with Windows Phone 8.1 things have been relaxed down a little. We’ve already seen an official file manager for the OS and now you can also download torrents (legal) on your phone and transfer them to your PC.

Torrex Pro is a new free app on Windows Phone that allows you to download torrents to public folders (the ones that can be accessed through your computer). Earlier, users had to rely on wpTorrent, which did a great job at downloading files, but made them inaccessible to public folders or other apps. Torrex Pro breaks those shakles and works like you would expect a normal torrent client to work. The BitTorrent client is a universal app available for both Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows Phone.

The app can directly pick magnet links off the Internet Explorer and get to work. Unfortunately, the app doesn’t support background downloading and will only download torrents while it is running on the screen. Also, you can’t choose to download on only WiFi networks so you’ll need to be careful that it doesn’t start downloading using your mobile data when a WiFi signal is lost.

Torrex Pro is free and can be picked on the Windows Phone Store here.


Sharang Sharma: