Tomb Raider 2 lands on iOS for $1.99

Shortly after discounting Tomb Raider 1 on iOS, the developers have released the sequel to the game on the App Store that is simply known as Tomb Raider 2. Developed by Square Enix the game is a remake of the original title of the same name launched on PC and Play Station back in 1997.


•Explore GRAND NEW LOCATIONS from Tibet, China to Venice, Italy!
•ARM YOURSELF with automatic pistols, grenade launcher, M16 rifle and more!
•Over 50 UNIQUE ACHIEVEMENTS to unlock!
•KILL OR BE KILLED by deadly Warrior Monks, Yetis and more!
•Comes complete with “THE GOLDEN MASK” expansion!
•Take CONTROL OF VEHICLES such as motorboats and quad bikes!

Given the game is a remake of a 90’s game, it is understandable that Tomb Raider 2 doesn’t have cutting edge graphics or controls, even by current smartphone standards. You’ll still find some of the glitches that plagued games in the last decade of the previous century. Still, for an asking price of $1.99, it’s not terribly expensive, especially for die hard fans of the series. And no, the game is not bad by any standards and still manages to offer an element of challenge for the players after all these years.

Grab it from the store link below. Also, there’s no hint of an Android port for now.

Tomb Raider 2 – App Store

Sharang Sharma: