Shoot 1UP, Firefighters and more are Red Stripe Deals of the week on Windows Phone

Here’s the list of six apps that have been discounted by 50 percent or more on the Windows Phone Store this week.

Shoot 1UP – $0.99

With your home world ruined, lead your detached battalion’s charge by destroying the mechanical-tentacle hybrid attack forces responsible for your pain.


Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary  –  $13.99

The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OALD) is a world best-seller and is now available as a Windows Phone app, with the full A-Z dictionary, real voice audio (not text to speech), and My View to customize your screen.


Firefighters – $0.99

Help those tiny firefighters and policemen in our interactive seek & find book!


Fiete – $0.99

“Fiete” is a beautifully illustrated, interactive picture book for children between 1 to 3 years.


Toca Kitchen – $0.99


Toca Kitchen lets you cook and play with food for four hungry characters. Pick any ingredient and prepare it in your own way!


Diagnose your car – $0.99

Diagnose your car , the first automotive app from CeriBoo. Thank to your device ELM 327OBDII discover the active defaults of your car.

Sharang Sharma: