Categories: iOSNews

Mozilla has Firefox for iOS in works


While Firefox fans on iOS have been demanding a version of their favourite browser on the platform for quite some time now, until now Mozilla hasn’t shown any interest in releasing a port. However, a recent Tweet from Firefox’s release manager Lukas Blakk hinted at a possibility that Mozilla is indeed working on a port for iOS.

The Tweet mentioned quite clearly saying, “We need to be where our users are so we’re going to get Firefox on iOS”. Another Tweet from Mozilla’s ‎Manager of Data Science, Matthew Ruttley was equally enthusiastic. Mozilla has kept away from iOS all these years since it cannot use its own web engines on iOS. Other browsers on the platform have either been using Apple’s own rendering engines, or have outside server render the image before sending it to the phone.

With the massed already having been shifted to mobile, Mozilla has probably understood that it cannot ignore such a big crowd and still stay relevant in the market. Hopefully, we won’t have to use the above image in the coming months.

[Source: 1, 2]

Sharang Sharma: