Google removing Swift Copters clones from the Play Store

Seeing what a success Flappy Bird was, it wasn’t particularly surprising when hundreds of Swing Copters clones jumped in the Play Store immediately after the launch of the original on August 21st. With sly names such as Copters Swing (magic?), these clones hope to get a few downloads by confusing users as to which is the original title. However, Google jumped into action and has removed most of these titles from the Store.

Google is reportedly removing anything with a resemblance to Swing Copters’ name or appearance. It’s apparently cleaned up hundreds of titles already and searching for Swing Copters displays the original title on the top. Even though these clones may look exactly like Swing Copters, there difficulty can vary from the original.

The best way to recognize Swing Copters from a bunch of me too’s is by checking the developer of the title. Nguyen published his titles under the .GEARS Studios banner.

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