Google Play Movies & TV app on Android gets Info Cards and Material Design

Google has brought another of its app under the new Material Design umbrella, this time its Play Movies & TV app on Android. You can expect to see new bigger images and smoother transitions Besides adding Google’s signature design to the app, the update also adds some new features.

Google Play Movies & TV app now displays Info Cards about actors or soundtracks while casting a TV show or a movie using either Chromecast or Nexus Player. These cards pop up on the device you’re casting from (your mobile or tablet) and are displayed without pausing the media content. TV shows and movies that support this feature are listed with an Info Cards badge in the Play Store.

Besides these changes, the Watch Now tab now shows more movie recommendations,. You can now also watch trailers directly inside the app.

Google Play Movies & TV app – Play Store

Sachin Sharma: