Dropbox adds support for TouchID sensor for iOS 8

Dropbox adds support for TouchID sensor for iOS 8


An year after Apple first introduced TouchID fingerprint scanner on the iPhone 5s, Dropbox has added its functionality to its app on iOS8. Although, we suspect the delay is due to the addition of new devices sporting fingerprint scanner.

You can now get access to your Dropbox account on iOS 8 by simply swiping your finger over the TouchID sensor. Yes, no more passwords required. Version 3.5 also brings support for the recently released iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The update also brings a fix for previewing RTF files on iOS 8.

Dropbox is available for iPhone, iPad and iPod running on iOS 7 and above.

Dropbox – App Store


Changelog for Dropbox version 3.5:

-Use your fingerprint to unlock Dropbox with TouchID support (iOS 8 only)
-Support for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
-Fix for previewing RTF files on iOS 8

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