Android Device Manager and Google Maps get updated on Android

Two apps from the Google kitty have picked recent updates on the Play Store. We’re talking about Google Maps and Android Device Manager.


Android Device Manager

Android Device Manager is a security tool that can be used to track a lost or stolen phone and remotely wipe data from it. Now Google has added another useful feature to the app that allows users to guest login into their ADM using a friend’s phone. The guest mode on the app allows the same function as the tablet or desktop version, offering to remote locate, ring, lock and wipe data off the phone. Once complete, users can safety logout from the Android device that is being used with the guest mode. The changelog also mentions bug fixes and performance improvements. The update is live and can be picked from the Play Store here.


Google Maps

Google Maps has also picked a handy update  that takes it to version 8.1. The biggest feature that the update brings (back) is Terrain mode, that was withdrawn from the app in version 7. Terrain mode gives information about change in elevation in the surrounding hills, valleys and mountains. Other than that, the app has also received some minor UI changes like the transit time now being shown in bold, along with additional time spent in walking on the bottom of the screen. Biking and pedestrian views now resemble car navigation view with mini map and Start navigation button on the first result.

You can pick the app on the Play Store here.

Sharang Sharma: